However, I have gotten to do some pretty cool things. I went to my first soccer game on Saturday to cheer on my big brother. This of course meant that other people held me until I needed to eat and then I slept through most of the game. At least that meant Mommy and Daddy got to watch. Daddy took a completely unflattering picture of Mommy wearing her "nursing bib" (a cloth diaper to catch dribbles and leaks since I can be a messy eater) that she refuses to share.
Also, Grandma Sue came down on Sunday to help out with me for a little while. My favorite part, once they figured out the whole direction of the sun issue, was going for a walk in my stroller. The best part is that my car seat sits right into the stroller frame! And I love my car seat as long as it is in something moving. Daddy has yet to get a picture of me in my tricked out ride. We will try to post one later.
Some mornings Grandpa John comes over to help out as well. Mostly he holds me so Mommy can get some breakfast or go to the bathroom. He's funny, and sometimes loud, but I like him.